Monday, August 30, 2010

Toad Ringer's Solution

Tuca Tuca

Well, it happened before eventually had to happen: on my PC a window appears in pop-up instead and I click "OK" with the mouse, I tried to do so by touching the screen, just that I do not have a touch screen on the PC. I was in front of the screen with an expression from Gasparri. Maybe I became a man touch, or as a result of the disease that leads to dementia, that suddenly you do not remember most of the words that you know very well, what is known as a midfielder of the German team, that there in fact, ... What was I saying? Ah yes I said or following the progressive dotage do things Muzzi. Or are they just too far ahead and anticipating the time when the'interazione with the machines will only touching, the advent of haptic interfaces is not easy for me, I'm a very physical approach, I do not know what will happen me when the machines will need to lick, I might have been more inclined to voice commands as I live more than word of tact. Now I'm going to touch the baker to set the number of rolls to buy.


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