morning all 'dawn my smartphone said beep and I woke up, it was not just beep was more like dlin dlen and if I did not snooze would continue. I woke up today to tell me that I was on vacation since the smartphone has a smart agenda that knows everything about me, not that I would be likely to forget that I was on vacation, I had scored for others, not for me, but you know that is smart and a bit 'anxious and will think: "Well .. you never know .. I wake up the same ... I would not want to forget him and if he gets angry with me .. better than a false alarm that a lack of warning .. " and my sleep has gone to hell. One would hope that the smart objects would give a hand and they were a help, an intellectual prosthesis for us dummies and instead it's the same old thing, it rains in the wet, and as my father would say "the dog mozzicate the truly" short, that if smart six smart object makes you SuperSmart dummy and if you makes you superdummy.
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