Saturday, December 18, 2010

Vocab Review Answers Level E

The Picture of Dorian Gary

My brother a few years older than me, he is almost the same as me, at least for the most distinctive physical features, but despite this I was much better looking and much smarter. Okay, he's got bigger (bastard) and is apparently happier than me, but they say his victories are pyrrhic and both are rather meaningless lives we lead and I think he thrombi, though it may seem incredible, even less than me. However this is not the point, the fact is that having a few years older than me, when I see it is like seeing me in 4 years in a mirror. And the show is more sad. It 's like having a framework that does not age in my place but a person who anticipates my age and my times ahead. When I saw his hair thinning I knew what to expect, and as he began his imbolsimento middle-aged had a moment of failure. I think he suspected something, when I'll see you after a while 'time and I was watching him with an expression of disgust he says "what?". And I say, "like what?! But have you seen?! Do disgusting! possible that you can not avoid to let you go this way? "and he asks me why I take so much care about his appearance." And I know why I fuck's sake "I think. He says that in sports, which leads a healthy life but this of course puts me rather than calm despair. He tells me that we must accept peaceful peacefully passing time, and I say mavaffanculo. Here it is Christmas soon, I think it touches, I groped for an excuse, delay until a later date, or even eliminate me physically sick.


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