Friday, December 31, 2010

Keratase Keratin Treatment


has finally stopped raining, I go for a walk in the park: I hear everything. Giro in accordance detected without a goal, there no, I feel everything I feel the smell of musk in the folds of the bark of the tree, the rotting of the leaves soaked for weeks on the reverse field, the consistency of mush beneath my feet in the driveway, I hear the creaking of the wood hint of the sun which is announced expands. I hear everything, feel the loneliness of the old intersection and that I look with their eyes, the cold slaps me on the face, the smell finally good air, washed by two days of rain, I see the palaces in the distance I could get to look inside each of the apartments, I seem to hear the different odors for each one of those houses. I hear everything, feel every nuance of heaven are opening every way possible that the clouds are putting on stage, I feel my feet firmly on the ground that advance safe, my body responds well, I'm strong, I could keep going up that the land ends. I hear everything, I almost feel nothing but all distinctly and out me.

If ravaged by some terrible disease or just old age or an accident, then do not say that at least some one appreciates the little things are taken only when


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